CSI Flash Mob

CSI Flash Mob

Friday, July 2, 2010

FlashMOB Report by Karen Griffith & Mary Jo Church

Thank you to the Challenge Course Staff and Scot Rogers for hosting Thursday's Mob. We had 12 employees, 3 staff and 6 random visitors show up at the event and all who came were thoroughly impressed with the course. Mr. John Bottinger defied gravity as he climbed one of the elements (and did quite well!) and Scott Rogers showed us how to climb like a pro. The Challenge course has a wonderful staff and is available to campus staff, clubs and the community. The staff work to make sure each experience is a customized team building tool for your group. The program truly is an impressive additiona to our campus. Read below for an offical FlashMOB report by Mary Jo Church & Karen Griffith ...

The only flying squirrel I’ve ever heard of was Rocky but today at the Flash Mob I learned that CSI has its very own flying squirrel along with a Quadrafena, Pamper Pole, Playpen, Lily Pads and Caterpillar.

Scott Rogers and his belaying crew showed us the amazing CSI Challenge Course setting that touts the title of “largest pole ropes course west of the Mississippi.” The Challenge course now offers 6 new “challenging” elements to consist of 17 high elements, 12 low elements and a 50’ climbing wall but don’t take my word for it get out and see it for yourself! Better yet -- sign up your department or the next family reunion and see if your mother-in-law is a flying squirrel or just a big nut.

Karen Griffith-Advisor
Mary Jo Church- Scholarship Coordinator