CSI Flash Mob

CSI Flash Mob

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank you to everyone who made it to FlashMOB #1. Here are some pictures...

Thank you to Darrell Buffaloe, Jon Hardesty, Kent Parish and the welding staff and students for the hard work they put into Tuesday's event. Members of the FlashMOB were able to learn about the welding program, meet students, discover opportunities for staff to try their hand at welding and win some wonderful prizes. Hope to see you at next month's FlashMOB!

Welding instructors Kent Parish and Jon Hardesty answer the Mob's questions. Jon and Kent are extremely enthusiastic about their work, many of their students came by to check out the event.

These beautiful pieces of art were created by welding student, Jayme Bohman, and were taken home by three lucky FlashMOB door prize winners.

Darrell Buffaloe shows off a beautiful piece of art created by the Welding Department for the Human Resources Department.

Julie Jones tests the welding equipment as she watches a student demonstrate her skills.

Dr. Jette Morache reports on CSI Employee FlashMOB #1

"Thanks to the Welding program for inviting us in for an interesting presentation and tour of the welding classroom/shop. I appreciated this opportunity to better understand one of our college’s offerings. Getting a better understanding of students’ experiences and sense of their professional goals helps me be a more effective English professor. During the Welding program’s presentation, I especially enjoyed the blend of technical precision, utilitarian application, and art! The enthusiasm of the professors and students was positive and energizing."
Dr. Jette Morache

Monday, April 26, 2010


In less than 19 hours we will be revealing the location of the first ever- CSI Employee FlashMOB. Keep your eyes open for the email that will reveal the secret destination! Hope to see you all there!