CSI Flash Mob

CSI Flash Mob

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

September Flash Mob in the Biology Department: Report by Kat Powell

What a great time we had at this month's FlashMOB in the Biology department. Staff and faculty gathered together to learn more about the Biology Department. Participants were asked to gather cells from their cheeks to look at under a microscope. The VERY helpful biology staff explained the link between what we were viewing was actually our DNA. After this we performed a taste experiment to illustrate how different genes might effect our ability to taste certain objects. If this wasn't enough we were provided with the supplies to make out own edible double helix! Thank you to the whole Biology department for keeping us thoroughly entertained and being so knowledgeable in what you do. Congrats and welcome to your new instructors.

Professor Alex Doetsch and Kim Fultz

FlashMOB report by Kat Powell:
A ‘lifely’ experience was had by all who attended the flash mob with the biology dept today. Microscopes were set up to view our very own DNA from cheek sells and we discovered if we carried the gene to taste bitterness which could ultimately save your life in not eating bitter poisonous berries. Finally we were treated to licorice and gummy bears that could be laced together with toothpicks to show a DNA strand. Aint Life Grand!
Kat Powell
Learning Assistance Coordinator

Friday, July 2, 2010

FlashMOB Report by Karen Griffith & Mary Jo Church

Thank you to the Challenge Course Staff and Scot Rogers for hosting Thursday's Mob. We had 12 employees, 3 staff and 6 random visitors show up at the event and all who came were thoroughly impressed with the course. Mr. John Bottinger defied gravity as he climbed one of the elements (and did quite well!) and Scott Rogers showed us how to climb like a pro. The Challenge course has a wonderful staff and is available to campus staff, clubs and the community. The staff work to make sure each experience is a customized team building tool for your group. The program truly is an impressive additiona to our campus. Read below for an offical FlashMOB report by Mary Jo Church & Karen Griffith ...

The only flying squirrel I’ve ever heard of was Rocky but today at the Flash Mob I learned that CSI has its very own flying squirrel along with a Quadrafena, Pamper Pole, Playpen, Lily Pads and Caterpillar.

Scott Rogers and his belaying crew showed us the amazing CSI Challenge Course setting that touts the title of “largest pole ropes course west of the Mississippi.” The Challenge course now offers 6 new “challenging” elements to consist of 17 high elements, 12 low elements and a 50’ climbing wall but don’t take my word for it get out and see it for yourself! Better yet -- sign up your department or the next family reunion and see if your mother-in-law is a flying squirrel or just a big nut.

Karen Griffith-Advisor
Mary Jo Church- Scholarship Coordinator

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Diane Jolovich Reports on FlashMOB #2

Thank you to the library crew for hosting the May Flash Mob. I am happy to report that the mob is growing in size and enthusiasm. The creativity of the staff around campus is inspiring and we hope more departments step up to host an event. Read Diane's FlashMOB report below to get filled in on last weeks excitement.

Wow, what a great experience! Terri, Steve, and the entire library crew hosted a fun and informative Flash Mob on Thursday, May27, 2010. Steve began the event with an overview of the library’s call letter coding system while our “Scavenger hunt cards” were handed out. We were set to go! Approximately 30 of us scattered throughout the library in search of our book, DVD, or CD. Once we arrived at each of the six cites we were treated with a token that had some relationship to the title. As an example, heart shaped doodle discs was placed next to the book P.S. I Love You. At the conclusion of the scavenger hunt Terri gave a demonstration on the iPad and iPhone. We left with our very handsome CSI Library canvas book bags, assorted tokens and treats, a quick review of the library programs and layout, and memories of a fun afternoon. Thank you for the experience.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thank you to everyone who made it to FlashMOB #1. Here are some pictures...

Thank you to Darrell Buffaloe, Jon Hardesty, Kent Parish and the welding staff and students for the hard work they put into Tuesday's event. Members of the FlashMOB were able to learn about the welding program, meet students, discover opportunities for staff to try their hand at welding and win some wonderful prizes. Hope to see you at next month's FlashMOB!

Welding instructors Kent Parish and Jon Hardesty answer the Mob's questions. Jon and Kent are extremely enthusiastic about their work, many of their students came by to check out the event.

These beautiful pieces of art were created by welding student, Jayme Bohman, and were taken home by three lucky FlashMOB door prize winners.

Darrell Buffaloe shows off a beautiful piece of art created by the Welding Department for the Human Resources Department.

Julie Jones tests the welding equipment as she watches a student demonstrate her skills.

Dr. Jette Morache reports on CSI Employee FlashMOB #1

"Thanks to the Welding program for inviting us in for an interesting presentation and tour of the welding classroom/shop. I appreciated this opportunity to better understand one of our college’s offerings. Getting a better understanding of students’ experiences and sense of their professional goals helps me be a more effective English professor. During the Welding program’s presentation, I especially enjoyed the blend of technical precision, utilitarian application, and art! The enthusiasm of the professors and students was positive and energizing."
Dr. Jette Morache

Monday, April 26, 2010


In less than 19 hours we will be revealing the location of the first ever- CSI Employee FlashMOB. Keep your eyes open for the email that will reveal the secret destination! Hope to see you all there!